Picture the Homeless

It seems as if the entire world turns a blind eye when someone mentions poverty or homelessness. We know the issue exists but not much is done to combat it. Fortunately, Picture the Homelessness was created to ignite awareness and implement changes for this issue.This particular organizations focuses on reminding individuals that homeless people have civil rights and that we should use our resources to help them instead of arresting them for minor misdemeanors. The unique feature about this institution is that it is run by homeless people, who are in charge of seeking new ways to improve shelters, create potential solutions for homelessness, and combat stereotypes.

Rob Robinson, a member of Picture the Homeless, provides excellent insight on the work they do. They focus on providing legal defense for the homeless, campaign against police officers targeting these individuals for “disorderly conduct,” and fights for those who choose to live in the streets instead of shelters. Why do people refuse to live in shelters? It’s a complicated question. Not only isn’t there enough space for all the homeless people, but the living conditions in shelters are bad. There are unreported rimes that occur-such as rape, assault, etc. Therefore, some prefer to take shelter outside. But, even then, they’re still exposed to the brutality of people and the policing system.

If you wish to learn more about this organization, please visit: http://picturethehomeless.org/