The concept that I am introducing with the exhibit Art in Motion is to experience art in a more hands-on and abstract view. Borrowing from the idea of poetry in motion from the MTA, visitors of the exhibit will be involved in literally experiencing a link between motion and art. The exhibit is geared to those who want something more interactive than just gazing upon art. Each room contains a different medium of art, from different time periods and from people of different backgrounds. My hope is to explore the different ways one can enjoy art.

The name of my exhibit would be Art in Motion. To get to the exhibit you would have to walk through this small room, where you would receive a medium sized plastic bag that says “To experience motion in art”. In this bag would be a set of headphones, a pair of flip-flops, a blindfold and 5 paint brushes. The room would be soundproof, so there would be no outer noise to hear, and you would not be able to hear anything from the following rooms either. In fact, all of the rooms are soundproof but built in a surround sound way. Walking through this first small painted blue room, opening a black door, visitors will be led into a long hallway, also painted blue. This hallway has five doors, three on the left and two on the right. At the end of the long hallway are the bathrooms. Only ten at most visitors will be allowed to enter each room at a time, so a group will be made of tens as the people walk in.

Turning to the left to enter the first door labeled “Look up” visitors will step into a large, dark room with no lights. However, when the doors are completely shut and when they look up, the ceiling will be painted with various scenes of nature, skies, and trees, like the first two pictures in my image group. Looking further into the room there are two rows of ten swings seated 5 feet away from each other. The guide in this room explains that the purpose of this room is to sit in the swing and attempt to get as close to the art as you can. For those that do not want to swing, they could go to a section of the museum that is dedicated to just observing. In this room, each group is allowed to spend 20 minutes but can leave if the majority wants to. Every week the image painted on the ceiling will be changed and upcoming artists or teen artists will be commissioned to paint it.

The group will be directed to exit that room, and then go back into the hallway and, if they choose, to enter the next room further down which is on the right side of the hallway. This room’s door is labeled “Beach”. Before going in they will be instructed that they might want to put the flip flops on. This room has four long walls that have black and white pictures of people on the beach all over the walls. The floor is covered in sand and there is a small table station for water and juice in the corner on the right. It is a nice warm temperature and it is lit and has a pleasant feel to it. The purpose is to look at the pictures while feeling they were at the beach as well. In this room, people would spend about 10-15 minutes

Exiting that room, the next room to go to would be to on the left side of the hallway. This door would be labeled “Body motion”. In this room, visitors would be given small iPods and would use the headphones given to them or their own. In a corner would be a rack of lightweight clothing such as the purple dress by the French designer, Madame Alix Grès, or the long skirt by the Spanish designer Cristobal Balenciaga. The instructions for this room would be to pick a dress, shawl or skirt and then pick a song on the iPod and feel the music and try to dance. There would be different types of music, classical, reggae, bachata, etc. in this room people would only spend about 5-7 minutes.

Further down the hall, to the last door on the right side of the hallway. This room would be titled “Made by motion”. In this room would be ten pottery wheels that have a medium size amount of clay next to each one. Each guest would be invited to create their own piece of art while listening to music, after being shown a short tutorial of how to spin clay. The fun part of this is that each visitor could choose to wear the blindfold provided for them. They could either create their own original piece or try to copy the pieces in various positions about the room, such as the pieces in my image group.

The last room at the end of the hallway on the left would be an art room. It would be labeled “Shared motion”. Images like the last two in my art group would surround the walls. In the middle of this room would be two rotating circular cylinder-shaped objects. Around each of them would be 5 chairs that did not move and easels and paint. There would be five sides to this rotating thing on each side would have a blank canvas. Each person would be invited to sit and starting painting on one. After 2 minutes, it would move to the right and then that person could paint on the next one. It would keep moving until everyone had 2 chances of two minutes to paint on each canvas. Then it would go back to the original person. The people could choose to either take them home or leave them and they would be used to decorate the ceiling and then the walls of the room.

This last room would have a door on the other side to the exit of the museum, where we would ask for the blindfolds and paintbrushes back if they did not leave them in previous rooms.

This is the end of the exhibit.