A swipe and I was brought to life.
Day 1
I was a hasty purchase that was supposed to be made earlier but forgotten about. I know this because I was used right away and immediately shoved into a pocket. I saw only darkness until 5 pm later that day when then I entered a wallet with the others. This was better than being alone in the dark!
Day 2
They swiped five others before they finally picked me. They exhaled in relief and shoved at the metal stick in front of them.
They still missed their train.
Day 3
They threw out the others.
Day 4
Same as day 1 but less rushed. I was used another time at lunch. They went to the Sushirito on 41 Street.
And then back to 23rd. And then home.
Day 5
They took me out with delight. It was the last day of the week to use me this early. I was used again at lunchtime… but we never returned to 23rd street. Instead, we went to 5th Ave. I saw all of my green friends leave and never come back. They struggled a bit to get me out of the wallet because they were carrying too much.
Day 6
This was the latest I had been used. They used me once again for their friend 15 minutes later. They laughed at cheating the system.
Day 7
This was the earliest I had been used. They got into an argument. I was given away. I wasn’t used again for the whole day.
Day 8
I was given back to sleepy hands. They used me the same way as they did on day one.
Day 9
They swiped me at the 1(one) train station for once. They held me in their hands for the whole ride… I felt wanted. We went to 59th – Columbus Str. They dropped me in the middle of Sephora in exchange for Intrepid red #64 lipstick. It felt like forever but, eventually, I heard them come back. They picked me up. Back into the wallet for me.

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