Townsend Harris High School
149-11 Melbourne Ave, Flushing, NY 11367
John Bowne High School
63-25 Main St, Flushing, NY 11367
Even though the high school is situated in a middle or mixed income, the surrounding areas are comprised of people with lower incomes. Townsend Harris High School and John Bowne High School are both located in Flushing. The average household income (in 2015) was $53,583 from the ages 25-44. Since Townsend Harris High School is considered a specialized school only a handful of students who meet up to the schools’ expectations are able to attend. The rest of the children in this area who are unable to attend are forced to go to John Bowne High School with all the other students with the same financial status.
Total Population by Mutually Exclusive Race and Hispanic Origin New York City Boroughs, 2000 and 2010
2000 2010 Change from 2000-2010 |
Based on the census from 2000 to 2010 the population of the total population of White nonhispanic and Black/African American nonhispanic decreased and there has been an influx of Asian nonhispanic in the borough of Queens.
Based on data from 2015
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