Seminar 4 Common Event

Info & Registration

May 6-7, 2017 at Macaulay Central | Seminar 4 Common Event

All groups need to register for a session by April 24, 2017. Register online here: Seminar 4 Common Event

Please choose one time-slot on either May 6 or May 7 (9:45am-12:00pm or 12:45pm-3:00pm).

what to expect

  • You will present in groups. Each group should assign one contact person who will register your group and provide the names of the other participants as well as a working title for your presentation.
  • Your group will be presenting on a panel with groups from other classes and campuses.
  • The presentations are 10 minutes plus time for Q&A (presentations cannot go over the 10 minutes, so you will need to practice!).
  • Each time slot will be divided into two one-hour long sessions, with concurrent sessions running in multiple rooms. For one of the sessions, you and your group will be presenting. For the other, you will be an audience member in the same room. Plan to stay for the full two hours.
  • Your group will be able to choose whichever date is convenient for you.
  • Entire classes are not expected to attend the same session. We cannot provide dedicated space for single classes. Presentations will be grouped by shared topics or themes to encourages cross-campus discussions of your research projects.

Resources & Materials

The shared Google Drive folder contains a folder labeled “workshop presentation materials” with the PowerPoint and handout from class on Thursday, March 30.

problems & solutions

The presentation on March 30 emphasized the importance of using a case study to ground your research question (the problem) in something tangible for your audience to understand. Additionally, the case study will provide support for your group’s solution or analysis of the problem.

In order to help you with the presentation of a solution/answer to your problem/research question, the “presentation workshop materials” folder contains a PDF of the book A Practical Guide to Policy Analysis that you may find useful for models of policy analysis. While I haven’t used it for myself, it seems like a useful resource if you are having trouble with your research.

The conference asks that each student group’s presentation defines the problem and propose a solution. A solution can take many forms: a brand-new policy (legislation); offer modifications to existing policies; expand a current city department’s tasks or duties (as opposed to creating a new one or try to draft legislation). Your group might even propose the first step to finding an effective solution might be redefining the problem: what does “gentrification” mean in a legal sense and how might having a city-wide standard definition help or hinder the effects associated with gentrification like higher rents, displacement of people, etc.