Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of New York

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Shaping the Future of New York City

The last of the four required Macaulay seminar courses builds on the previous three to consider how public policy shapes urban development.

Students will analyze the ongoing interplay of social, economic, and political forces that shape the physical form and social dynamics of New York City. Throughout the semester, students engage in a team research project to be presented at a cross-campus conference.


Seminar 4 with Prof. Gaston Alonso at Brooklyn College, Spring 2018

Our seminar will focus on understanding the political, economic and cultural causes and effects of contemporary gentrification processes in New York City. The first part of the course will ask students to imagine both what kind of city they want to inhabit and whom they imagine should shape that city. To inform this process, we will compare and contrast the “Corporate City” associated with Robert Moses’s post-WWII vision, the “Urban Village” associated with Jane Jacobs’s 1960s vision, and the “Neoliberal City.” The second part of the course will focus on understanding both processes of gentrification and the field of gentrification research. Among issues we will focus on are: debates regarding the relative power of the city’s “growth machine” and of community groups in shaping the city and regarding the effects of gentrification in terms of residential and industrial displacement. The last part of the course will ask: “what is to be done?”

MCHC.2002, Section R3H, Number 31583

Boylan 3405, Thursday, 3:40 pm-6:10 pm

Professor Gaston Alons | faculty profile

Office: 3405 James Hall

Alexis Carrozza, Instructional Technology Fellow (ITF) | eportfolio | @lexcarrozza

Office: Boylan 2231

Office hours: Tuesday, 2:30-3:30 pm and Thursday, 1-3:30 pm (drop-in and by appointment).

Link: How can an ITF help me?