ITF Post: The Rise and Fall of New York City?

Here’s a collection of links organized around the history of New York examined as a way to understand its present and future status. The links include essays, multimedia, book reviews, and maps for you to consider in relation to the material covered this semester. Seminar texts, discussions, and projects have led you to the top of Bloom’s Taxonomy pyramid. This course has focused on accruing new information, assimilating and applying that information through class requirements (participating in class discussion, researching a topic about New York City, writing eportfolio posts, creating and presenting work to a group), and through these processes, the information has turned to knowledge. How might you analyze or evaluate the sources linked below? What did info or skills did you develop that helps you understand these sources and link to the broader themes of our seminar?


Joan Didion, “Goodbye To All That” (1967)

Zadie Smith, “Find Your Beach,” New York Review of Books (October 23, 2014)

E.B. White, “This Is New York,” (1949)

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WNYC: “Robert Moses and the Transformation of New York”


Kenneth T. Jackson, director of the Herbert H. Lehman Center for the Study of American History and the Jacques Barzun Professor of History and the Social Sciences at Columbia University, where he has also chaired the department of history, and the author of Robert Moses and the Modern City: The Transformation of New York (Norton, 2008), and Lisa Keller, professor of history at SUNY Purchase and the co-editor of The Encyclopedia of New York City (Yale University Press, 2010), talk about Robert Moses for the latest installment of the October election year series, People’s Guide to Power: Real Estate Edition. (Source: WNYC