a macaulay honors seminar taught by prof. gaston alonso

Class Divide and Vanishing New York

Class Divide is a HBO documentary that discusses gentrification in New York and how it is a fast changing city. Similarly, in this week’s reading, Jeremiah Moss discusses Hyper-Gentrification and how it is occurring in an accelerated rate.

Jeremiah Moss talks about how New Yorkers are no longer seen as citizens, but rather seen as consumers. Luxury brands have taken over New York City and have created an image for tourists to come visit New York to experience this lifestyle. However, that is not the real New York or at least the old one that is filled with small businesses and indie shops.

Likewise, Class Divide discusses how difficult it has gotten for people to rise up in this city when everything gets exponentially expensive. Some of the people interviewed in this documentary have said if you aren’t born with a wealth or race privilege, it is a game of luck to know if you will make it big, regardless of how hard you work. Another has said that the stigma placed is that it’s not your fault if you are born poor, but it is your fault if you die poor.

These issues continue to rise every day. The lack of wealth in New York City will get you kicked out of your homes and will be replaced with those who can afford higher rent.


  1. What are some things we can do as individuals that can help slow down gentrification?


2. How far does it have to go before New York changes completely from what we know it to be?

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