a macaulay honors seminar taught by prof. gaston alonso

The Real Estate Capital of the World X Volcanoes

Formation: Why and Where

Volcanoes form when magma from the Earth’s upper mantle erupt outward, growing bigger with each eruption. This happens because of the Earth having tectonic plates, which converge or diverge at certain locations.

We can compare this to New York’s real estate industry. Real estate in New York had major booms, (aka eruptions) throughout its history, most notably by the Great Depression, and World War II/The New Deal. At each boom, New York City started tons of new projects, building up the volcano for bigger booms in the future.

Additionally, you can compare the behind the scenes tectonic plates to the ever-shifting players in the industry. You have the investment trusts, the residents, the politicians, community organizations, etc. When they have agreements or disagreements, eruptions are produced.

Physical Characteristics: Temperature and Height

Funnily enough, you can even juxtapose their physical appearances. Just like a volcano, NYC is centered around Manhattan, where there are the tallest buildings. In its surroundings are the other boroughs, significantly “shorter” than the center. The center is where the most money is pushed into; it’s the hottest market.

Displacement: Lava and Waves

A major concern of the natural workings of the real estate industry and redevelopment is displacement of residents. The connection here is obvious. From personal experience talking to peers and professors, most academics consider gentrification to be similar to a natural disaster. It may be (caused by natural patterns of movement and rising rents, they want ways to avoid it. Volcano eruptions are regarded in an even worse manner…by most. There is also the minority that views these natural patterns and occurrences to be beautiful displays of the world’s complexity and self-sustenance.

P.S. Either way, I’m at least happy with Tom Angotti’s mature, logical, and evidence based writing style. Enjoy the eruptions!

Credit: Top Fives. Youtube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbAlVnKhbGLK78GsSemQXxw

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