Power Of Protest

There has always been power through protest. Many of the things that exist in our modern society are only here today because people before us fought for them. In the United States especially, protest existed at the foundation everything, and is present now more than ever as a form of achieving progress towards a more civilized future. While protest can seem aggressive or violent at times, it is necessary to understand that without protest, we cannot achieve progress.

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Artstor Image Group: http://library.artstor.org/#/group/e25d6255-2ebc-4edc-83fe-ee911a2f1c98;size=24;page=1;sort=0;name=Power%20of%20Protest%20-%20Courtney’s%20Exhibit%2010    

Power of Protest – Curatorial Project

Artstor Image Group: http://library.artstor.org/#/group/e25d6255-2ebc-4edc-83fe-ee911a2f1c98;size=24;page=1;sort=0;name=Power%20of%20Protest%20-%20Courtney’s%20Exhibit%2010 Opening Text to “Power of Protest”: There has always been power through protest. Many of the things…