
Reviewed by: Aaron Yam

Art in Buildings is a blog about appreciating modern art in places one would not normally consider to be a place to display art. What they strive to do is to bring art into the work place, creating a sort of hiatus from work life and creating a more leisurely feel to the work environment.

Art in Buildings initially launched their projects based in New York, but slowly branched out to locations such as Michigan, Detroit, Toronto and more. There are a number of contributors to the blog, but one notable contributor is Gustavo Prado. His work includes, but is not limited to the art piece located at West 10th Window and his art pieces with spheres. He talks about this piece in an interview accessible through the blog link on the website. Other bloggers include Michael Mandiberg, Anne Muntges, Forrest Lewinger and Martha Mysko. Most, if not all bloggers have the scripted interview viewable on the Art in Buildings website along with pictures of their works.

The graphics in the interview coverages, homepage and in general are all high quality and are taken in an aesthetic point of view. It is awesome that the blog supplies viewers with an abundance of pictures of a particular work and not just a few. There are no ads on the website which is great because it keeps the focus of viewers strictly on the art alone. There seems to be a lot of postings on the blog, so there is a slim chance of the blog going inactive. There is even an option to become a subscriber of the blog on the very bottom of the page. That shows that they have a commitment to post more.

The blogs are very formal and informative. If they are trying to make a point to the readers, they really take it home with the explanations. Just a quick read through the site and one knows about the mission of the blog, what they have achieved so far and much more.  The blog seems to have been up for a few years though the exact creation date is not specified.

The blog is also very tech savvy as they use a variety of social media platforms to expand their name/brand. They are on Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook. If one has any questions or want to find out where to contact Art in Buildings, it is accessible through the side bar on the top right or on the very bottom of the page. The site does not include a comments section, but viewers can get in contact with the blog administrators. All together, Art in Buildings is a very well developed blog to inform people/companies about their work.

Link to their website