By Daisy Waltermaurer

In my hometown, Rosendale, NY, there are many examples of public art. The two bridges in the town showcase lots of graffiti. A lot of this art really makes you think. There are two particular works that are my favorite.


“Uncle Susan is a Wolf” is a fairly new piece of art. It’s obvious how new it is because the paint is still fully intact and the colors are still very bright. This artwork really makes you think because it doesn’t really make any sense. First, you normally don’t hear of someone’s uncle being named Susan. Second, why would this Uncle Susan be a wolf? I like the font of this grafitti. I think it makes it much more interesting to look at, especially the way the word “wolf” looks wolfish. The placement of the art is really eye grabbing. The use of the color pink around the worlds also helps to accentuate the graffiti, instead of it just being black words on gray concrete. The pink contrasts very nicely with the blue bridge as well. When you drive by this bridge on the road it’s almost impossible to miss.


This work of art is my favorite in Rosendale. I don’t remember when this work first appeared, but based on how much it has faded it seems pretty old. I’ve spent lots of time around this grafitti. I’ve walked and driven across that bridge more times than I count count and have swam in the river numerous times, always looking at this graffiti, and never being able to figure out what it says. My best guess is that is says TOASTNARF. I’m not sure if it was intended to not have a clear meaning. The letters are not clearly written, instead they are shown by their shadows which is part of the reason that it has become harder to read. I’ve had so many conversations with many different people, and no one has been able to definitively say what this work of art says. I would have to say it’s one of the greatest mysteries of Rosendale, NY.