Dec 06

In my eportfolio I included some pictures of a stand I had came across called HOMU: The Homeless Museum of Art. Professor Meyers-Kingsley pointed out to me that this is actually a known organization. The organization encompasses many different areas of art and project. It is in a way a reaction to the very commercial and business driven art world. I found this really interesting and appealing and hope to check it out more of winter break. Here is the museum’s mission statement:

The Homeless Museum of Art (HoMu) is an art project created by New York-based artist Filip Noterdaeme. Since its inception in 2002, it has at turns been a live-in museum in a rental apartment in Brooklyn, an activist’s initiative, an exhibit in a vacant artist studio, a collection of original artworks, and a mock museum booth embedded in a commercial art fair. Juggling irreverence and sincerity, HoMu seeks to subvert the increasingly impersonal, market-driven art world and expose the sellout of cultural institutions to commerce, cronyism, real estate, and star architects. HoMu exists in a state of perpetual flux and continues to defy the rules of the established art world.

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