A Story of Astoria

“A Story of Astoria” is an Instagram account devoted to the neighborhood of Astoria. It was created by residents of Astoria, Michelle Schultz and Erica Romero. The page shows many different aspects of Astoria, including food, buildings, nature, and train stations seen in Astoria. The fact that this page was created shows that the residents enjoy their lives in Astoria and want to give back to their community. It also shows that there are many places to eat and great views in Astoria, as evidenced through the array of food and skyline photos on the Instagram page.

Schultz and Romero hosted a fundraising event after the Instagram page gained over 8,000 followers. For just a $30 donation, residents got food from eight restaurants and a free beer. All of the proceeds went to Urban Upbound’s Astoria location for funding job readiness and college access programs for the youth. This shows that social media has a strong impact on society because it serves as a form of communication that can reach a large group of people, and positive effects can come out of this, like how Schultz and Romero used their Instagram page to fundraise. Romero also discussed how “A Story of Astoria” can give people ideas on what to do in their own neighborhood, which shows the page has an even greater impact than just displaying photos.

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