Photo Gallery

The Bay Parkway sign located on the D line

The Bay Parkway sign located on the D line

Bay Parkway and 86th, under the tracks.

Bay Parkway and 86th, under the tracks.

A taxi on the corner that we mapped in the mid 1930s.

A taxi on the corner that we mapped in the mid 1930s.

The Dutch Reform church located mere blocks away from Bay Parkway and 86th street in 1904. Where Kevin conducted his interview was directly across the street from this church, which was merely railroad tracks at the time.

The Dutch Reform church located mere blocks away from Bay Parkway and 86th street in 1904. Where Kevin conducted his interview was directly across the street from this church, which was merely railroad tracks at the time.

Bay Parkway in the mid 1960's under the train.

Bay Parkway in the mid 1960’s under the train.

Bay Parkway and 86th, the exact same store fronts and buildings that we mapped, in 1940

Bay Parkway and 86th, the exact same store fronts and buildings that we mapped, in 1940

The corner where Times Square once was in 2015

The corner where Times Square once was in 2015

The block next to Bay Parkway in 1927, shortly after the construction of the above ground subway.

The block next to Bay Parkway in 1927, shortly after the construction of the above ground subway.

Bay Parkway and 86th street in 1904 when the neighborhood was still a mere tourist destination.

Bay Parkway and 86th street in 1904 when the neighborhood was still a mere tourist destination.

Bensonhurst's 18th Avenue feast, an annual tradition to honor Italian heritage

Bensonhurst’s 18th Avenue feast, an annual tradition to honor Italian heritage

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Fatmira Curovic, Phoebe Taylor, and Kevin Savarese


Bay Parkway is located in Besonhurst, which is Brooklyn’s District 11.

The intro to Saturday Night Fever is one of the few hardcore glimpses into the cultural side of Bensonhurst, as John Travolta walking under the D Train to the sound of the Bee Gee’s remains a cultural icon.