Rolanda Hasangjekaj is an eighteen-year-old freshman college student who has lived in Brooklyn, specifically in Bensonhurst for her whole life. Her middle and high schools were both in the area of Bensonhurst as well. To narrow in on a specific region of Bensonhurst, Rolanda goes to Bay Parkway every day for the purposes of eating, shopping, or going to work. Therefore, she has a lifetime of experience to speak on the subject matter.
When asked about the majority of the student body in her high school, the population was mainly Italian. After school, Rolanda would visit business like pizzerias and delis that were Italian owned. However, it was interesting to note that the demographic of the people in the community is mainly Chinese. While the residents in the area where Rolanda lives are mainly Orthodox Jews, the residents and community members of Bay Parkway are Jewish. When asked if she predicts a change in the Bensonhurst area, Rolanda thinks that the transition from an Italian to a Chinese neighborhood is still progressing, so there won’t be any major upcoming changes.