Ethnic Enclaves

Ethnic enclaves are a useful transition for immigrants as they come to this country. While some groups such as Dominicans, as noted in the Sullivan article, are hampered by their groups lack of social capital, they would have been more lost in this country without it. WIthout English skills and friends in the country, an immigrant would truly be lost. This is why the plan to “renew” Willets Point is immoral. Yes, the area is blighted, dirty and poor. But instead of trying to invest more resources and work harder with the locals, they are going to drive them out and destroy an immigrant community. The government should not have an interest in increasing the overall profitability of an urban space if it means removing the locals, poorer people. The people going to benefit from Bloomberg’s reforms are not the immigrants or locals but the upper class and businessmen. This policy reflects a lack of care on the part of the city’s government for its less fortunate.

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