Author Archives: lucymsnyder

About lucymsnyder

Gabby told me to write something interesting here.

I can’t think of a time when I myself have been pressured to act more American but I have definitely seen it in my classmates and friends. I attended an elementary school in Kensington with a large population of Middle … Continue reading

Posted in Week 3 | Leave a comment

Reading Suketu Mehta’s article, “The Meltingest Pot,” I was amazed by the fact that there exists what is called “melting-pot tracts,” areas as small as apartment buildings where the population is so diverse that there is not one dominating ethnic, … Continue reading

Posted in Week 2 | 1 Comment

I’m the kind of person who likes to be in a crowd but never gets lost in it because I make my presence known. I want people to get to know me through my presence in person and I will … Continue reading

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