Author Archives: sazzopar

Week 12

I appreciate Molotch’s view of a city as a growth machine. His description captures the dynamics of a city, which I believe is the most prominent characteristic. His definition of a community alone is one that shows how changing interests … Continue reading

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Primary Sources: 1. Midwood Census Information & Greenpoint Census Information The Census Data for 2010 reveals the percentage the different racial groups compose in each of these neighborhoods. In addition, it also reveals change over time by comparing different sets … Continue reading

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The Topic Outline

Research Question: What causes racial tensions to vary among neighborhoods? Greenpoint is an interesting case study because there are clear cuts between ethnic groups but minimal racial tensions between the older Polish residents and the newer gentrifiers. The neighborhood is … Continue reading

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Race Riots

If you drive down Forrest Avenue, you will see them lingering on the street corners every morning without fail. They are unemployed illegal Mexican immigrants who very recently moved to Staten Island. They go day to day, waiting for contractors … Continue reading

Posted in Week 9 | Leave a comment

The Envelopes

The envelopes near the St. George Ferry of Staten Island always appealed to me. They signify the loss that many New Yorkers suffered in the 9/11 attacks. Their position against the New York skyline commemorates the void that was left … Continue reading

Posted in Week 6 | Leave a comment

Ethnic Enclaves: Sanctuary or Impediment?

The Ethnic Enclaves: Sanctuary or Impediment? Article poses the question of whether ethnic enclaves economically benefit the immigrant communities. There seems to be no clear-cut line when it comes to different groups. The most notable contrast is between the thriving … Continue reading

Posted in Week 5 | Leave a comment

The Pleasure of Tasting Another Culture’s Cuisine

Eating is the universal pastime. When we celebrate a birthday, cake is a key feature of a party. When we watch a movie, munching on popcorn and candy is almost a necessity. At the holidays, people gather together for traditional … Continue reading

Posted in Week 3, Week 4 | Leave a comment

Conformity in the Professional World

Gordon discussed three theories of assimilation: “Anglo-conformity”, “melting pot”, and “cultural pluralism.” In New York City, Cultural pluralism is evident by the shops, restaurants, temples, churches, and mosques dot the streets. Most New Yorkers consider its diversity an admirable characteristic. … Continue reading

Posted in Week 3 | 1 Comment

The Chateau Calloway: A Diamond in the Rough

  Trust and acceptance are two way streets. When Ellick searched to experience the “ethnic underground” of Jackson Heights, he was ready to trust and accept the people that he encountered but he would have to earn their trust before … Continue reading

Posted in Week 2 | Leave a comment

Why I feel connected to the Upper East Side

My name is Stephanie Azzopardi. For me, the Upper East Side is the neighborhood with the pretty streets (especially when trees are lit up at Christmas time). Its home to some great restaurants (shout out to Burger Heaven), some state … Continue reading

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