CUNY Macaulay Honors College at Baruch College/Professor Bernstein
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The Art of Photography

Mr. Greenberg’s switch from psychology to photography might have been the best decision of his life.  This is not only because he has attained much success in the field of photography, but also because he is able to approach each day of his career with enthusiasm.  What I remember most from the evening was when Mr. Greenberg told us to never give up our dreams; to me he is emblematic of someone who’s dream came true. He didn’t give up photography to pursue another (perhaps more stable) career, but instead utilized his passion for photography as a means to make a satisfying living.

Photography was something that I had never given much thought to as a work of art.  However after attending the Howard Greenberg event, I saw how capturing a moment in a photograph is as beautiful and valuable as any work of art.  The photo of the dust storm was one that really caught my attention.  It is truly a bleak portrayal of a bleak time period.  The photograph was taken during the Great Depression, capturing a scene from the Dust Bowl.  The small broken down house, and the scene of the people running towards the house to protect themselves, shows the troubles of the time. My favorite photo from the exhibit was the Ghost Taxi.  I had completely failed to recognize the taxi in the picture, thinking it was just a random display of lights.  When I looked closely, I saw the obscure taxi.  The lights, and the mysterious taxi passing by, mystify viewers, and seize the fast life of New York City.