CUNY Macaulay Honors College at Baruch College/Professor Bernstein
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Category — CMcCarthy

Cement Beasts and Running Shoes

Some people have a quiet place for their thinking. Others take solace in their headphones, artists screaming or whispering into their ears, to straighten up their hearts and minds. I, on the other hand, donate my thoughts to the streets of New York. The rhythmic beat of my sneakers as they hit the asphalt, always running forward to explore a new corner of the New York skyline, keeps my thoughts rolling. Earlier this week I rolled my way over the Williamsburg Bridge, where I met Billy.

Billy is what I nicknamed this Billy-Burg Bridge Monster, a fiery character with an impressive wingspan of two bike lanes and a pedestrian lane. His demeanor and overall randomized placement made me “LOL”. I stopped my pensive thudding and smiled at how beautiful life can be when it reveals itself. Someone, somewhere, probably took hours, maybe even days, to give him life – so he can brighten the lives of those he meets.

And then I wondered who he has met. Thousands upon thousands of people, daily, must pass him by. Runners, friends, families, skaters, neighbors, tourists, hipsters, and an ever-growing following of bicyclists – all sharing a page in their untold stories with Billy. He must have some stories to tell.

Who cares if walls can talk? I want to listen to the ground.

August 31, 2010   2 Comments


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August 29, 2010   No Comments