Collage Proposal

Even though I have lived in New York City all my life, nothing about my strides on the same streets of New York bored me, because there is always something new and fascinating to me. My collage project will portray the urban streets of New York City through my daily encounters in my commute to school, to clubs, to hangouts, and back home; specifically what I feel makes New York the magnificent city it is.

My presentation will consist of a mostly a variety of photos: from grandeur and infamous architectural masterpieces to miniscule details on the side of a building. My photos will be edited, and may be manipulated to depict my theme and carry the message across. I suppose I will try out Prezi as well for my presentation. With its zoom-in ability, I will zoom into the details of things to show how art is everywhere: from a far-away point of view, to an up-close and clear point of view. Either perspective, this collage will represent the aspects of New York City that stand out to me.

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