Musical Preferences

Until I was in the eleventh grade, I only listened to Indian music. However, as I got to know more people, I began to talk to them about what type of music they liked, who their favorite artists were, what their all time favorite songs were. As I had more and more of these conversations however, I began to realize that I really did not know much about American music. Therefore, I made some of my friends write down some artists that they listened to, and that they knew I was likely to appreciate. It took a few weeks, but I finally began to consistently listen to American music. My favorite artists ended up being Drake and the Foo Fighters. Even when I speak to friends about musical preferences today, I don’t know who they are talking about half of the time. However, now at least I have the knowledge to be able to describe my tastes.  However, this was a 2 way street, as my friends were interested in hearing Indian music, and thus I showed them many of the songs I liked at the time. I learned a lot from this cultural encounter, the most important aspect being that expanding one’s tastes is always a good way to acquire knowledge.

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2 Responses to Musical Preferences

  1. Yeuk San Shen says:

    “Expanding one’s tastes is always a good way to acquire knowledge”– That’s going to be my lesson for the day. I noticed that your writing style is more like telling a story to someone, which is kind of different from mine, but I had a good time reading your post as well. It is very descriptive and narrative. (Just a short note, it might be a good idea to use another transition instead of using two “however” in a row.)

    • Luke O'Dowd says:

      Your post made me realize that I, myself, haven’t really listened to many different types of music. Although I don’t really consider myself a music person, I believe that music is a very important medium through which we learn about other cultures. I will most certainly get on youtube and listen to some Indian music right now. Thanks for the inspiration!

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