“Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful.” - Warren Buffet


Bidyuth Dash

“Just Looking at the Stock Price is NOT Investing”

by Bidyuth Dash

The title of this post comes directly as words from the legendary investor Warren Buffet.  At first the meaning of the title and words that entail it in those words seem to be direct and self evident in their intent… Continue Reading →

What the Democratization of Finance Means

by Bidyuth Dash

Today’s usage of the term “democratization of finance” usually referred to average people participating more actively in the financial sector of our economy. This may include using fin-tech apps to monitor one’s financial accounts to using brokers to conduct purchases… Continue Reading →

Market Volatility Creates Investment Opportunities

by Bidyuth Dash

Throughout time many seemingly professional investors and traders feared extreme market volatility without ever considering how those scenarios lead to  great opportunities to make money.  First, market volatility is when the market price of a stock or bond fluctuates infrequently… Continue Reading →

No One Servant Can Have Two Masters

by Bidyuth Dash

This sort of comes out as a call to Congress to reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933. This along with many other former and new regulations that separated banks, investment banks, brokers, and hedge funds to operate separately and independently. … Continue Reading →

I prefer to invest in the intelligent manner.

by Bidyuth Dash

What the types of investing: Fundamentals: Using a company’s balance sheets, income statements, and other financial documents to see where a company is headed. Those that have a consistent and/or positive revenue and earnings while keeping costs at a reasonable… Continue Reading →

GameStop is just Another Example of How the Market is Not Efficient.

by Bidyuth Dash

I do not believe in the efficient market theory in its entirety.  There are too many human emotions that lead to unpredictable spikes, drops, bubbles, recessions, and depressions that can not be justified by the efficient market theory.  Therefore I… Continue Reading →

Short selling is a Fundamental Part of Market Mechanics!

by Bidyuth Dash

In recent highlights of the short squeeze that is happening with a few highly shorted stocks between “retail investors” and institutional hedge fund managers, I want to justify the necessary existence of short selling in a free market system as… Continue Reading →

Bitcoin as Tulips

by Bidyuth Dash

I am going to start this article off by stating my position on bitcoin and other crypto currencies: I own none and I do not believe in them.  First, I’m going to describe the title of this article. Tulip mania… Continue Reading →

State of the Economy Q1 of 2021

by Bidyuth Dash

This post was thought of a way to describe where the economy is in the current quarter and was in the previous year. As soon as I thought of it, I remembered that a State of the Union exists for… Continue Reading →

All You Have to Know About The Stock Market is that “It Will Fluctuate”

by Bidyuth Dash

About a century ago a few reporters asked JP Morgan what he thinks the stock market will do in the recent future and all he said was that, “It will fluctuate.” That is the best and shortest answer to the… Continue Reading →

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