The Dutch Model

The part that stuck out to me in Chapter 2 of Harm Reduction Around the World was “The Dutch Model.”  Even though the system seems to work in Amsterdam, with fewer drug users in general and high school students using considerably less cannabis than 59% of American high schoolers, it astounded me that a system like that would purposely exist.  Maybe because I am an American and our government deals with drug use differently, but I am surprised that anyone would use the Dutch Model.  Sometimes, we talk about drugs in my classes and people say that legalizing drugs will make people less attracted to them.  It’s just like how the Prohibition increased alcohol consumption and how that decreased when the ban was revoked.  In that sense, it makes sense that the Dutch model would work.  However, the idea is still strange to me because of how strict drug policies are in America.  I am interested in visiting Amsterdam just to see how things are there and how the system works.  Is there anyone else who shares this interest?

One thought on “The Dutch Model

  1. I’m with you on that, Jessina! The Dutch model is so foreign to us, but if it is working for the Europeans, who knows, perhaps Americans will respond to it the same way. I would want to ask the people in Amsterdam how they feel about harm reduction there and what they think about our system.

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