Different Organizations

Here Fullilove talked about different organizations that can add in rebuilding a city after some type of insurrection. The two types were community based organizations and neighborhood based organizations. The community cased is more effective but my question was why is it so? There seemed to be a lot of different programs in place to rebuild a city such as housing programs, setting up schools, and setting up hospitals. I wonder how long it really takes to get a city to “going” again.


Some people were happy to be leaving their current place because it would have better living conditions. Sala Udin was sad that she was leaving old friends but happy because there were better facilities. Through all of this, African Americans still had to face racism and during this time people like Martin Luther King and Malcolm X came up, giving a voice to black in the US. These people helped strive for rights and better conditions for African Americans and those of color.

Feedback on Root Shock Chapters 7 & 8

A quote that interested me in Chapter 7 of Root Shock was “People who are outsiders to a place see it as a landscape.” Hence, this is why newcomers and tourists tend to care more about how a place that they visit looks compared to the social cohesion of the place. This quote connects to the subject of Chapter 8 of Root Shock, “Human Rights in the City”, which mentions why American urban planners want to remove “blight”: they do not wish to actually reduce poverty, but to make the poor unseen to visitors of a city. Such an aspect is common in tourism to places in the Caribbean, where people who vacation there want to be in an environment where they view as aesthetically pleasing without a poor person in sight. Another example, which is shown in Root Shock, is the reason why tourists to New York City go to Times Square rather than the South Bronx.

Fullilove also mentions how the role of aesthetics plays into the event of 9/11. There were a lot of social bonds among people after 9/11, which Fullilove viewed as positive. However, she believed that such bonds ended once the plan centered on building downtown buildings. The main problem, she believed, was that urban planners cared more about the way that 9/11 affected the landscape rather than people’s lives and loved ones. I would also have to agree with Fullilove. The problem with urban planning, and the city in general, is that more focus is on the buildings rather than on people, which is rather dehumanizing to me. What needs to be done is for city planning to focus on the needs of people rather than on the expectation of the city to “look good”.

A solution to that is to see cities as a social network of people, rather than beautiful cityscapes. Among tourism oriented New York City websites, the popular Facebook page “Humans of New York” is a breath of fresh air, since it focuses on people who live in New York City from all five boroughs of the city, rather than in just the richer areas and the tourist friendly spots in Manhattan. Although “Humans of New York” cannot solve social inequality within New York City, it is a start when it comes to viewing cities based upon its people rather than its buildings.

“Are you saying my community is dead?”

I thought this question was a jarring contrast to Fullilove’s classification of root shock as a “Community Burn Index” of sorts.  I first read her analysis as a purely empirical, from her perspective of a curious psychologist rather than a concerned one.  I appreciated how sensitive she was to the emotional state of the community members and how they viewed the situation.  This, along with her journey with Cantal-Dupart, demonstrates her commitment to preserving the spirit of the community, and making upgrades of what exists rather than starting from scratch.

I was especially interested in Cantal-Dupart’s ideas about aesthetic beauty in public space.  As Fullilove explains, the insider and outsider perspectives both have their biases. It takes a truly committed observer, an artist and healer of sorts to see neighborhoods for both what they are and what they can be to the people that live there, for what is truly beneficial and familiar to its roots.  It takes a combination of the well-informed resident and the well-meaning onlooker to make wise decisions for preserving a community and its members.

Even with tragic events like 9/11, citizens have the chance to find the beauty in the rubble, the possibilities in what has been lost.  So long as there is a commitment to preserving the presence of the people who have lived, worked, and make connection there, a community will remain very much alive.

The question is: how is a community to reach consensus on what is to be done?

-Jacqui Larsen

Digital Education with Analog Modality

When reading Fullilove’s proposal for education in the digital world from pages 228 to 232, I wondered why she proposed that schools should be extended in both the number of hours and the amount of days that students spend. At first, I thought she proposed this in order to give African-Americans certain skills needed for the workplace, such as trade school, but since she stresses the need for a college degree in order to someday elevate the student’s social class, trade schools couldn’t be the reason. Perhaps Fullilove proposed that children needed to be kept in school longer in order to keep them away from their possibly fractured home life. If that is true, it may explain why she prefers a longer school session instead of the policy where schools teach one half of a curriculum and parents teach the other. I find that hard to believe when there are students who did not learn English as a first language, but outperform many of their peers in school.

Not only that, but in order to learn in the digital world, students need to be actively engaged with the increased amount of stimulation available to the everyday citizen such as video games and social media. If one extends the time in school without changing the way school is taught, then it is the system that is flawed and not the student or race. I wonder what would happen if individuals took a more holistic structure of school instead of the one that exists in many public schools today.

Games can be used as a bridge to create more engaging educational environments that is very different from way individuals are currently used to. For instance, Quest to Learn is a public charter school founded in 2009 which is located in New York City for students grades 6th to 12th and is the first game based school in the world. Their student body consists of 26% Black and 29% Hispanic. This school operates on a method of points and levels instead of numbers that will eventually lead to an average number or a letter grade. Instead of assignments as homework, Quest to Learn uses quests with objectives in order to learn points and experience. The main difference between these two systems is that instead of a traditional bell curve for students, all students at Quest to Learn have an equal opportunity to “level up” into a level that equates into an A. This because instead traditional exams that average up, failing a quest does not damage an average at Quest to Learn. The student who fails a quest would simply have to complete more quests in order to level up to the highest level they can get. This decreases competitiveness as well as pressure, which in some cases can prove detrimental to a student’s development. There are also elements that occur in video games at the school. In fact, the school also has a “boss level” system where students work together in order to accomplish a task. With Quest to Learn’s ability to create a school that is engaging and encouraging to the students it will be interesting to see how different they are compared to the rest of their peers when they graduate and move onto college in 2016.

Although I agree with Fullilove’s statement that there should be a form of community in school, such communities should be achieved though Quest to Learn’s system where students can interact in school and complete assignments both physically and digitally. Or else, how can you educate individuals for the digital world with an analog modality.


One of the core themes that seems to be present through out the entire novel deals with communities rebuilding after an overriding separation. It is interesting to note the similarities and differences in how the communities in Pittsburgh, Newark, and Roanoke reacted to urbanization. One of major points, that some of my classmates pointed out as well, is that there seems to be a loss of community between the members of the former community. This seems like a very odd point because it is pointed out that some members of the communities experience a healing process through a “re-enactment” of their former living space. It would seem logical that people would try to be even closer to each other in order to hold on to whatever remnant they may have of their former community Throughout history, we have seen diasporas of many ethnical groups such as Jewish diasporas and Latino diasporas. Now, these can serve as a sort of analogy to root shock because in essence a large wave of people was displaced from their homeland via an outside force. However, many ethnic groups in our present society still form a tightly knit community and have a strong sense of relationship amongst each other. It seems that members of these groups can relate to each other and form a sort of intangible bond.


Why do members of diasporas seem to have a strong sense of community yet, according to Fullilove, members of uprooted communities seem to have a “weak” sense of community?



To Hide or Ignore

“When all the fancy rhetoric about ‘blight’ is stripped away, American urban renewal was a response to the question, ‘The poor are always with us, but do we have to see them everyday?’  The problem the planners tackled was not how to undo poverty. but how to hide the poor” (197).  I never really thought about New York City hides its poor before.  Yes, Time Square is famous for its skyscrapers.  Tourists admire the tall buildings and bright lights.  New York is the city that never sleeps.  But I never thought about poverty in New York as an “ugly secret.”  When you go anywhere in the city, you often find homeless people on the streets or in the subway.  There is poverty everywhere.  Still, most people tend to ignore them if they can.  I never thought that the city actively tries to hide the poor because I always thought that most people just ignore them in the first place.  This made me wonder: people constantly talk about helping the poor, but few people ever really do that.  Why?

Throughout Root Shock, Dr. Fullilove keeps pointing out that after all the communities she mentions are forced apart almost no one finds that sense of community anywhere else. However, I don’t think that the new neighborhoods were as bad as one would think from the testimonies, but that the negative opinions stem from a comparison of the new place to the old one. I know that this example can’t really compare to the ones in Root Shock because these people all moved willingly, but I’m thinking back to a few years ago when we got two new neighbors at around the same time on my parent’s block. One neighbor was outgoing and made an effort to get to know the people on her block. The other one kept to herself and barely said hello to us. Today it feels like the friendly neighbor has been here forever, but we still refer to the other neighbor as “new”, because we know almost nothing about them. These two people live across the street from each other, but one managed to make herself a community, and the other lives on the same street as virtual strangers.

Crackheads in My Neighborhood

I recently had an experience that gave me a taste of what “street life” actually means and, simultaneously, insight to the underlying network of my neighborhood.

Basically my bike was stolen yesterday by a well-known neighborhood crack cocaine addict with help in the form of clippers provided by his friends, my crack head neighbors. Continue reading

Through the first 9 chapters of Root Shock, I’ve had trouble relating to the concepts addressed. I guess I’ve been waiting for the anecdote that got to me.

The realization on the power of root shock, as well as the balance of social classes, occurred for me when Fullilove addressed New York. Her firsthand account of the events on September 11th in conjunction with the information she presented up to this point revealed how doesn’t only occur to victims of urban renewal etc.

So, how did 9/11 uproot you or your family, if at all, and how did it affect your identity as a New Yorker?

Broken Bonds

Throughout this book I found it interesting how people seemed to be so close to their neighbors and had such great attachment to their community and the area in which they lived. David’s story of when Elmwood went through urban renewal surprised me since he would often run back to Elmwood and cry next to his old house. I’ve never felt that great of an attachment to the area I live in and I can barely recognize who my neighbors are. The stories in Root Shock however show how families in the neighborhood would often help each other and their children would play with each other. Has things changed over time where this sense of community is no longer that important or does it have to do with the fact that everyone in the community were in a similar situation and were able to connect over something. Root Shock also shows however that these tight bonds are fragile. After urban renewal families no longer contact others in their community. People moved on and even walking distance was too far for some people to take the trip for if they weren’t next door to them. Doesn’t this show how superficial these relationships were and how it was only temporary due to their situation?