
Root Shock and the effect of Root Shock reminded me of an earthquake where people’s lives were destroyed. And earthquake happens suddenly and though root shock develops over time, the true impact is felt when it actually happens. The image on page 15 by Carlos F. Peterson impacted me the most. When I first looked at this picture, all I saw was a place destroyed. But looking closely there were many interesting parts to the image. The church in the distance and the cross shows the way that religion and belief of God did not necessarily save them from moving but it also shows how their lives’ were displaced and beliefs destroyed. The eye in the corner tells me that either there is someone or something watching all this occur or that they themselves are slowly watching as their land gets destroyed.

My question is why did the government decide to take so much from the people and did they offer any type of relief?

Feedback on Root Shock Chapters 1-3

The first three chapters of Root Shock truly brought a meaning to the cliched phrases “Home is where the heart is.” and “Home Sweet Home”. Nobody ever imagines losing their home, the place where they feel the most familiar and comfortable with. And upon losing their home, they lose a sense of hope on what the world is like. When thinking about root shock in such a serious manner, it is not at all surprising that such a trauma would affect mental health.

What tore me apart throughout the reading was the determination of the black community to make their community into the “New Jerusalem” from the Reconstruction-era to the Civil Rights Movement, only to have their hopes completely demolished by the goal of “urban renewal”, a decision that was made by rich, white, corporate men. What disgusted me even more was that such an event is not mentioned in history lessons. However, similar tragic, and horrifying tales about the loss of community is mentioned when telling about the Native American Communities during the Mayflower, the Trail of Tears and Wounded Knee, and the Jewish community during the Holocaust. The housing projects today are the reservations to the Native Americans and the still existing ghettos in Rome to the Jewish people. The idea of tearing communities apart caused it to be much more difficult for groups to unite and fight social inequality.

Root Shock showed the impact on social inequality between racial, religious, and economic groups affects the psychological health of individuals, which is a unique and effective approach to focusing on mental health. The problem, though, is that the effects of root shock are still not mentioned up to this day.

“We Can’t Stay Here” – Root Shock Chapters 1-3

Those of you who know me know that I am a Psychology major, so naturally I enjoyed the beginning of Root Shock. Mental health is something that I think should be taken just as seriously as physical health, and it certainly is nice to read about it related to public health as a whole. While the mental health aspect of the reading is something that I am familiar with, I am not as directly familiar with root shock. Fortunately, I (or any of my loved ones) have never been uprooted or forced to leave home. However like any other traumatic event, I could only imagine how incredibly difficult it must be.

With that being said, I couldn’t help but think of the victims of Hurricane Sandy as I read. After the storm, my cheerleading team went to Gerritsen Beach to help out and I can’t even begin to describe what I saw. There were boxes and boxes of Christmas decorations, memories, pictures – you name it – lined up on street corners waiting to be picked up by the garbage trucks. As we walked up and down the blocks, I distinctly remember asking one woman if there was anything we could do for her. She turned around, shook her head, and replied with a heavy heart, “We can’t stay here.” That was the moment that I truly realized how horrible the situation was for them – both physically and emotionally.

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The Mind Shock

When a person hears about home uplifting, he/she would be inclined to think of the financial burdens and the troubles the house-owner would have to go to purchase a new house. Nobody would really think about the emotional trauma uprooting causes these house-owners. For many people who have been uprooted, the house they have been staying was much more than a house: it was a family heirloom that was handed over from generation to generation. This emotional trauma leads to an unhealthy mental state, which will adversely affect public health. This book discusses the deleterious repercussions of uprooting houses and warns that it is high time “root shock” comes to a halt.

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Root Shock: Part I

When I hear the term public health, I think of diseases, prevention of sickness, and health of the public. And that’s the trend that we saw while reading The Ghost Map. But apparently it is not only physical health that must be factored in to this field. It is deeper than that. Public health is not only about physical health, but it is also about mental health. As we see in the book, there are plenty of examples of root shock, but it never occurred to me until this book that public health also encompasses the mental health and the mental well-being of the public.

My only question now is, how do public health officials accommodate for mental health issues?

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When learning about what root shock is, I thought it was interesting how “the restored geography is not enough to repair the many injuries to the mazeway” (14).  Then I thought about how attached I was to things when I was little.  When my parents threw out our old microwave and replaced it with a new one, and when they replaced our windows, I was really upset and I didn’t know what to do with myself.  I was probably overreacting, but I can imagine that that’s how the people who experienced root shock must have felt.  I didn’t think it would be such a big deal when the Dodgers moved to Los Angeles, but then I thought about how upset I was when the sunflowers I grew got too big and then disappeared one day.  I felt betrayed when I found out my mother gave them away and then they were eaten.

I thought it was interesting how poorer, industrial neighborhoods occupied the center of the cities, while the wealthier, more residential neighborhoods.  It reminded me of the chapters of Nancy Foner’s book I had to read in Seminar 2 about how people of every race were trying to follow the White people, in terms of living space.  Whites, on the other hand, were trying to move away from everyone else, and everyone was trying to move away from the Blacks.  This also reminded me of the articles I had to read about how Prospect Park was divided.  The article said that on the pretty west side of the park, there are mostly American-born, white people, and half of them own their own homes.   Most people had earned at least a bachelor’s degree, and more than half of them make more than $60,000 a year. On the east side, nearly half of them were born outside of the United States and make under $30,000 a year.

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When reading the first three chapters, I immediately thought of the term “root shock” as a form of gentrification of a wider scale. I remember taking a road trip with my parents back to Cincinnati, Ohio in order to see our old neighbors and friends. I was surprised to see that many of them moved away, but when I visited my godmother, I was told that it was because the mall nearby closed down its most important stores. Macys, JC Penny, and the theater section of the mall closed and what remained was an empty “For Rent” sign at their former locations within the mall. I also realized that the elementary school I attended closed because of depopulation and a newer school was built in the more populated area in the county where I used to live.

It is also a little important to look at the four major options that Mindy Fullilove brings up on page 65 on what American cities could do to open up housing for blacks. As a believer of racial integration, my idealistic side supports her first idea, allowing open housing. However, if such an event occurs, it doesn’t fix the underlying problem of economic inequality. If open housing were to exist in all communities, a diverse gentrified population would form, followed by an equally diverse population of a lower class taking hold in a community. While I do agree with the advantages and disadvantages for her second option, allowing wealthier whites to live in suburbs, I ultimately disagree with the option because if every wealthy individual leaves an area, that area filled with economically and socially disadvantaged individuals would be labeled with a stigma and will eventually become a slum. For the third option of building housing projects in existing black communities, it varies depending on the community that the housing project is built in. If the community was thriving and there was some sort of life, it could be done. However, building a housing project in a dangerous area would not be the best idea. Finally, for the fourth option, leaving everything the way it is, I fully support her idea that it is disastrous because an increasing population without increased housing would eventually push many individuals into homelessness.

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Until starting Root Shock I hadn’t considered the intensity of the emotional trauma that comes with being completely uprooted from the place one considers home. While reading the beginning chapters I tried to empathize with the people mentioned who lost everything they knew and in a sense, lost their realities. However, the author’s emphasis on the pain experienced by those uprooted was also accusing the governing powers for not caring about the poor and/or black citizens. Although Dr. Fullilove did make some very good points about the people in charge being racist and classist, I also feel like she overdid it a bit in making them out to be villains. Their purposes of their actions couldn’t only have been to be malicious and I am curious as to how biased the author’s opinions are, since she has spent years conversing with the people she is defending. I’m not trying to say that what the government did was right, rather that Dr. Fullilove isn’t providing even a smidgen of their side of the story.



The beginning chapters of Root Shock were in a sense very revealing. The author opened the novel by relating her, in a sense, epiphany of the term root shock. Dr. Fullilove goes on to discuss the effects of urban sprawl and urban renewal. She mainly focuses on root shock, and cites Ebbets Field as an example of root- shock. Afterwards, she focuses on discussing the effects of root- shock in areas like Paris during the Haussman era, and in the United States during the McCarthy era.


I really never thought about urban renewal and sprawl in the terms Dr. Fullilove analysis presented them to be. One can’t help but associate urbanization with progress and development. At the same time, you don’t usually think about all the destruction urbanization can cause. I mean for the buildings to be built, other ones had to be destroyed. Concurrently, many people’s lives were ruined and changed forever. In a sense, the first few chapters really opened my eyes to the whole scope of urbanization. It can really be viewed as a double- edged sword. You can draw a parallel to the manifest destiny. One associates the manifest destiny with America’s prosperity and development, at the same time it caused the destruction of Indian reservations.


I wanted to ask if you think that urban renewal brings more harm than good (vice-versa)?


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