
I did this podwalk with Medina and Jairam on Wednesday. It was cold. Like, really cold. But it was also interesting because I’m never in that area! So it was a nice learning experience. Also, the Gowanus Canal is pretty gross.

The sharp transition that happens almost immediately once you pass the threshold from 5th Ave down to 4th ave and beyond is almost like a drop-off from 5 feet of water near the shore to the black vastness of the ocean beyond. Park Slope feels cozy and affluent, and then suddenly the area feels cold and empty. I’d worked in areas like that before, and I always hated them. They never felt very safe, and I always worried about things like asbestos or air quality within the warehouses that populate the area. Now that it was within the vicinity of the Gowanus Canal, I’m curious about the air quality of the outside air as well.

Sanitation car

Department of sanitation car was dispatched here. Hopefully involved in picking up some trash?


Why is this here? In the middle of a residential area? Is that garbage inside? Did they think that if they hid it under a tarp no one would see? Gross. Can’t possibly be healthy.

Local pharmacy. Didn’t see another one along Union St.


Fitness center. I’d run into a couple more, as well as a yoga place, along Union St.


Optometry office. There was also a PearlVision a few avenues earlier.


This epitomized the change in scenery for me. A low-to-the-ground nondescript warehouse as opposed to beautiful old brownstones. Not a person in sight; everyone’s either inside working or elsewhere.


What’s the boundary for? Is it meant to direct the flow of filth in the canal? What happens during high tide when the water flows several feet over the divider? That would be gross, and, depending on how high it flows, potentially unhealthy.


This area in general is very industrial. Hard to believe it’s so close to Park Slope. Would you want to work here? I wouldn’t.


The high tide line is visible directly in the middle of the pipe, which means when water starts pouring out of it, it must overflow. And considering rain tends to be a regular occurrence, overflowing must happen often.



In this area, I saw an eyeglass/optometry place, a fitness center, and “Prospect Gardens Pharmacy”.

There was a huge crate filled with what looked like garbage just sitting in the middle of the street. I don’t know much about garbage collection but it seemed like too much for one truck to pick up. How long does it sit there like that? Why is it there in a residential area?


There was another optometry office and another fitness center beyond 4th ave, but I didn’t spot another pharmacy along Union St.

The neighborhood is becoming increasingly more industrial and desolate with each block. No one lives in this area; it’s too dirty anyway.


I didn’t smell much of anything along the canal, but I did notice that the canal was some of the only water I’d seen that day that wasn’t frozen over (perhaps it’s too voluminous…or too dirty? I don’t know how science works.) It was also very dark and murky. The bridge and the surrounding buildings were very low to the ground, scarcely painted, and the area in general felt desolate. Hardly the level of Park Slope upkeep I’d seen around 5th avenue. Also, I saw a cat.


I’m pretty sure it was low tide, since the high tide line was visible just above the bottom of the pipe opening. I can hardly imagine how disgusting it must be when the canal inevitably overflows.

If high tide was three feet higher, it would most certainly overflow.

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