Podwalk: From Gentrification to the Superfund

Section 1:

large sidewalks on union street

large sidewalks on union street


Residents have easy access to semi affordable, fresh produce

Residents have easy access to semi affordable, fresh produce


Potentially hazardous industrial buildings on 4th ave

Potentially hazardous industrial buildings on 4th ave


Water lined with trash and sewage creates hazards for the environment and residents alike

Water lined with trash and sewage creates hazards for the environment and residents alike


Murky, Stagnant water beneath a canal pipeline

Murky, Stagnant water beneath a canal pipeline

Three things that benefit health in the area from Union Street to Grand Army Plaza are:

Large Sidewalks big enough for families, strollers, or other large groups of pedestrians to walk safely. This space is also excellent for exercisers or people walking with dogs. The safety of this neighborhood also poses a great health benefit for evening walking, etc.

Food Coop that could potentially offer food at a discounted or reasonable price for families. Food Coops often also contain very healthy fruits and vegetables where other supermarkets may charge more or have less of similar produce.

Yoga studios and gyms seem to be prevalent in the area. Offering easy access to group training or workouts to residents living in the area.


Section II:

Almost none of the health benefits previously listed are present in the next few blocks past 4th ave. Even the sidewalk becomes smaller and of slightly lesser quality. It is obvious that less attention and money was spent cleaning the area past 4th ave, since I am guessing the apartments are slightly cheaper. I noticed a few more industrial buildings and what appeared to be vacant lots as well.


Section III:

The Gowanus Canal is slightly less covered in litter than I expected. Although trash does line certain areas. The water also appears to be rather stagnant in many areas, the color appears green and murky. It also smells rather disgusting. However, I cannot tell if the smell is coming from the water or from the industrial buildings surrounding the canal.


Section IV:

I believe the canal is currently at low tide. The water seems below a few markers and underneath the opening pipes. If the tide was 3 feet higher, the banks of the canal may overflow slightly, probably dumping sewage and trash onto the surrounding banks and buildings. This is definitely a health hazard

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