Social Policy Interventions and Health

I think the main takeaway from this is fittingly found in the conclusion, all these countries “launched successful CCT programs but in very different ways”. (254) It’s more than okay to accept each nation is unique and complex in its own way and that’s even more reason why we should not just stick to the same Austerity methods that are constantly used over and over again. These CCT programs are creative and help civilians in their communities in ways that directly target them in order to promote the most positive effects.

Unfortunately I can see a lot of backlash from programs like this in the United States because there is a certain demographic of people that will just look at these programs as rewarding people for doing things they should have been doing anyway and feeding the culture of poverty. To them this would seem like breeding grounds for new Welfare Queens to take advantage of American citizens’ hard earned tax money.

One issue I saw that did bring some concern to me however was the idea that programs like this actually ignore structural issues in society that lead to poverty and poor health and that time would be better spent working to deal with those issues first. Honestly I would be happy with either or. :/

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