Mar 14

New Jim Crow Continues

Part of the reason that racial bias within the justice system is such a pressing issue is that, because of its intricate infiltration into almost every level and area of law enforcement, it is so hard to pin down. As these chapters discuss, racial bias comes into play in the courtroom, in the jury, in the arrest, in the sentencing, and in the processing, but it is most prevalent and serious as a part of the social mindset with stereotypes perpetuated by the media. The public has been convinced of many false, racially biased “facts”, such as the belief that blacks are arrested for drug crimes more often because they use drugs at higher rates than whites, when in fact both ethnic groups use drugs at similar rates and if anything, whites actually use and deal drugs more than minority groups (97).

These biases play an essential role in the vicious circle of racist prejudices and policies leading to racist arrests, which serve to perpetuate the initial bias. To echo the reading once again, the existence of subtle and often unconscious social and racial bias contributes to the overall problem of unjust and racist arrests in the “War on Drugs”.  Many people simply think that they are beyond racism when in reality they may just be mistaking their blindness for “color-blindness”, they say race doesn’t exist but only know how to live in a society and system that is rooted in racially based exploitation and discrimination. If you’re not scared to look in the mirror you should visit Project Implicit and take their quizzes designed to measure “implicit associations” that you may have about ethnicity, and other topics like gender, sexual orientation, and weight or economic status. Maybe if we can start recognizing that there is a problem and that often we, as individuals and as a society, are the problem (or are at least complicit) then we can better tackle the issue of racism within the judicial system and police force.

In New York City, one way that the people’s power can be used to limit racism within the system is the NYCLU Stop and Frisk Watch App which allows citizens on the street who witness a police interaction or arrest to report any police wrongdoing or unjust behavior.  The Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB) is also in place, and actually, recent data shows that both complaints and actual stops are lower now than in past years while there have still been an increase in number of arrests.  Mayor DeBlasio has also expressed public disapproval of stop-and-frisk policies and is working to actually eliminate the policy, recently dropping a past appeal made on a court ruling, which had ruled stop-and-frisk policies are harmful because they target minorities. This means that DeBlasio is supporting the court finding that stop-and-frisk policies can be, and often are, racist, and hopefully he will incorporate this understanding into his policies and social equality platform.

While systematized racism is an urgent and ubiquitous issue in the USA, and while it seems like there may be no hope, small steps of progress are starting to be made. Technology and social media have made it harder for elements of racial bias, such as in the infamous Trayvon Martin case, to go undetected. More citizens are becoming involved and are able to speak out or at the very least snap a photo or record a video for youtube of police misconduct or brutality. Do you think that technology and worldwide interconnection can be used to combat institutionalized racism in our society? How long do we have to go before you think we have made real solid progress towards a more equal society?


Mar 14


The thought that kept circulating uncomfortably through my head while I was reading chapters 2 and 3 of The New Jim Crow was, “Crap, someone actually thinks this is a good way to run a country.” There are lots of people, both elected and not (e.g. corporate heads), who hold and have held (over decades and centuries) considerable social power who apparently believe/believed that racialized social control is a workable and desirable plan. What’s terrifying is that those people have collected the political, social, economic, and military capital to make their vision a reality. After reading this section of the book, I still do not understand (and honestly don’t particularly care to understand) why exactly people like Nixon believed in the War on Drugs and how they obtained the power to implement it. I’m talking about psycho-social processes here–people do things for reasons, so what were their reasons? The trouble is, I suspect those reasons are not possible to understand if you don’t agree with them.

Related reading on the NYPD for anyone who’s interested (I’m sure many of you have already seen this): http://www.alternet.org/civil-liberties/9-frightening-things-about-americas-biggest-police-force

Mar 14

The New Jim Crow, Ch. 2-3

Last year, a friend of a friend was pulled over by the police for a minor traffic violation.  They wrote her a ticket and, despite lack of evidence, requested to search her car.  She complied, and after literally tearing apart the interior of her car, the officers found a small amount of marijuana and a pipe; this lead to a mandatory court appearance and, thankfully, no jail time.  This young woman, intimidated by police officers, consented to a vehicle search because she did not know she had the right to refuse.  I feel as though I would have done the same thing in her situation out of anxiety and a fear of what could happen if I said no.

I simply do not understand why the federal government continues to offer incentives to local government to increase drug crime arrests.  Why would a politician wanting to appear “tough on crime” choose drug crime over every other possibility?  I would much rather politicians be tough on violent crimes like murder, rape and domestic violence than petty drug crime.  It is also completely ridiculous that 80% of drug arrests are of users, not dealers.  I can only hope that someday the government will adapt the Harm Reduction Coalition’s stance that ensuring drug users are using safely is more important than incarcerating them with little means to effectively curb addiction.  Ideally, our government would go Portugal’s route and legalize all drugs; I highly doubt it would cause worse circumstances than the War on Drugs already has.