Feb 14

Readings for 3/7

Here are the Intro and Chapter 1 of the New Jim Crow:


Feb 14

Chapters 1-4 of the Ghost Map-lost post-Annaliisa Gifford

The first chapters of Ghost Map were vital to my understanding of cholera and the epidemics that so tragically plagued Europe. I was not surprised, however, that many people were succumbing to the miasma theory concerning the beginnings of the disease. Citizens saw the disgusting ways in which the city was spread out and smelling. They attributed the recent sicknesses to the sewage and heavily population/smell of decay and feces. However, many physicians and theorists were staring at the wrong problem and approaching it with the wrong ideas of how to fix it. This is often the case for our modern society, also, however. We may have the tools to fix a certain, large scale problem, yet are very misdirected in our efforts. The Ghost Map shows how the power of a few determined people can bring about justice and understanding to a cloudy minded society of dying and cholera infected London.

Feb 14

Reminder: Categorize your posts!

Hi all,

Just wanted to pop in to reming you to make sure you categorize your posts so that they show up in the right place and you get credit for your work! There are 6 posts right now that need categorizing–you can go back and edit posts if you need to adjust them.