Feb 14

Ghost Map, Chapters 5-8

Like many of my classmates have mentioned, I found the last chapters of The Ghost Map to be just as interesting as the first, and I was excited to draw connections between some of the ideas Johnson brought up and some of the conversations we have had in class. What first came to mind was the idea of social prejudice, an incredibly large stumbling block in the way of real scientific answers in both the case of the London cholera epidemic and the HIV/AIDS one today. It is truly frightening to note that even in this era, with all of our technological advances and scientific research, prejudice can still cloud and warp our rationality.

But another part of the reading I found interesting and relatable in terms of our class was Johnson’s statement on page 125: “So often what is lacking in many of these explanations and prescriptions is some measure of humility, some sense that the theory being put forward is still unproven. It’s not just that the authorities of the day were wrong about miasma; it’s the tenacious, unquestioning way they went about being wrong.” I was so intrigued by this idea because I remember specifically complaining about the article we were given to read in class about a possible correlation between cholera and the environment-but my complaint was about that the writer lacked the ‘tenacious’ way of the London cholera writers. I had found the article in class to be too apprehensive when I read it. Because its authors were was too afraid to make any concrete claim, I thought, the article’s finding’s were unconvincing and even inconsequential. But after reading this passage in Johnson’s book, I began to reconsider, to appreciate the open mindedness and even humility of that article. Isn’s that method so much better, so much more conducive to the ever-changing world of scientific discovery? Our human desire for concrete answers and tangible results may cloud our judgements, so it is important to remember the dangerous tenacity and narrow-mindedness of the people Johnson mentions and always keep an open mind.

Feb 14

The Ghost Map, Chapters 5-8

It is all too easy to draw parallels between the confusion brought on by nineteenth century London’s cholera outbreak and that of the United States’ HIV outbreak in the late twentieth century.  It seems that, without proper scientific evidence to show them the way, even professionals have a hard time breaking away from intuition.  In London, the only theory remotely applicable to cholera’s actual cause–John Snow’s theory of waterborne illness–was given virtually no attention by the media, while miasmic theories pervaded the public mind; in the case of early HIV in the U.S., the first noted cases of abnormal illness were attributed, somehow, to the infected being gay–or living a different “lifestyle” than the norm–and doctors didn’t stop to think that, perhaps, they were looking in the wrong direction.  In both events, the proponents of the most dominant theories ran with them, putting on the back burner, ignoring or all-too-quickly rejecting the ideas of those that would ultimately help the most.  How common is this occurrence during outbreaks of illness over time?  What would have happened if Snow had stopped investigating the root of the outbreak?  If he had not been so vigorous in his surveying of the area and its people?  If Henry Whitehead had not stepped in to convince the public?

Feb 14

Ghost Map, 5-8

Interestingly enough, I’m actually extremely sick at the moment, which is why I was out of school today and I won’t be in class tomorrow. It’s funny how reading a book on cholera while you’re sick can play games with the mind.

Anyway, I continue to be a fan of John Snow and everything he does. I like how he used maps to bolster the credibility of his research. It was very smart of him to decide to research anomalies in and surrounding the Broad Street area; it’s often the exceptions to the rule that prove it. In this case, the fact that there was evidence that showed that cholera cases decreased in areas that relied in different pumps should be enough to persuade people. Unfortunately, miasmatists were very hard to convince.

It was also interesting reading about the different reasons miasma theory was so popular. As expected, miasma theory was very useful in upholding class prejudices – the “undesirables” of the city were surely to blame, as they lived in horrid conditions with offensive smells! Of course they’d be responsible for cholera. It’s interesting also to see the role that religion had in miasma theory. In short, it’s unfortunate how easily an incorrect viewpoint can persist simply because it reaffirms comforting old notions. I’m sure this is why there is still the stigma prohibiting gay men from donating blood – why acknowledge that the scares of old are outdated when you can fall back on time-honored homophobia?

To summarize, I liked this book. It’s very easy to draw parallels between the cholera outbreak in Victorian London and epidemics that exist in modern society. We’d do well to remember that epidemics always have a social element to them, and they have a way of shaping history in the same way that wars do; they’re just much harder to predict.