Feb 14

The Ghost Map, Chapters 5-8

The ending chapters of the Ghost Map prompted some serious thinking for me concerning the stubbornness or hardheadedness of group thinking. When the entirety of Broad Street and its inhabitants believed that the smell was the demon that was causing them all to contract cholera, they were succumbing to an easy explanation. However, once the thinking became accepted among the majority, it was almost impossible to shake from their psyches. This is especially the case because biologically we are wired to sense smells and detect them as either helpful (in the case of food), or harmful (in the case of excrement, poision, etc.). Since the disease spread so quickly, and the smells from cesspools, etc. were so easy to pinpoint, the airborne idea was an easy pill for citizens to swallow. It was only through Snow’s determination to bring health and knowledge to the city that the previous myths were shattered. I was incredibly inspired by his work and relentless innovation and research in spite of opposition.

His path towards a more informed culture among disease leads the way for other aspiring health teachers and innovators. As an aspiring yoga instructor, I relate to his efforts. I want to someday show the world how interconnected and beneficial yoga is to the mind and consciousness. It is not just an exercise of flexibility, as is the common myth. Instead, it involves complicated brain science, and when practiced often enough and combined with meditation can bring immense healing to trauma patients or those with PTSD.

In conclusion, nothing is ever as straightforward as it seems in this world of waterborne bacteria and mythological health scares. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to uncover the multi layered fringes of our health epidemics and medications.

Annaliisa Gifford

Feb 14

The Ghost Map Chapters 5-8

As with the fist half of the book, I found the reading to be really interesting. Snow’s journey to convince the scientific and political world of his waterborne theory of cholera was frustrating, but eventually rewarding.  I thought it was interesting that the one who eventually convinced everyone was Whitehead, who originally opposed the theory. I wonder why it was not the scientific man, but the religious one, who knew the ins and outs of the community, who was able to popularize a theory that had been scoffed at so many times before. It shows us how closely linked the scientific and social scene are, and how societal relationships play a role in something like an epidemic. I liked that Johnson gave Whitehead the credit he deserved.

In the chapter when Johnson wrote about the reasons miasma was so popular, he mentioned an evolutionary reason, suggesting that our sense of smell has evolved so that we avoid unpleasant smells, since they signify microbes. The idea of humans mistaking the “smoke” (the bad smells) for the fire (what was actually dangerous– bacteria) was very intriguing, and is something I definitely need to think about a little more.

Feb 14

The Ghost Map: ch.5-8

In 1854, urban living was a relatively new concept with less than 10% of the world living in cities. To many it seemed like a horrible idea. Crowding so many people into such a small space seemed like a disaster just waiting to happen and it was, in a sense. When the cholera epidemic hit London, the close proximity of urban dwellers made it easy for the bacteria to multiply at such a rapid rate, resulting in the deaths of so many. However, the fact that it was so devastating and so concentrated in one area enabled Snow and Whitehead to follow its course and figure out the source of the problem.
Today, less than 200 years later, more than half of the world’s population prefers city living. It is obviously a successful concept. We have efficient sewage systems and plenty of health measures in place to protect against such devastating outbreaks. Advantages to living in the city include people being able to share ideas and easier dispersing of electricity, fuel, food and other necessary resources. Humans are creative and resilient creatures and whenever problems arise we find ways to deal with them. Living in cities means sharing many of the same problems and concerns, and we work together to solve them as quickly and efficiently as possible. Additionally, John Snow’s concept of a map that tracks people’s lifestyles is something we have adapted to the internet and is further beneficial in helping us share ideas and thoughts.

Renee Esses