Feb 14

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Feb 14

Useful links

Steven johnson’s online work: link

Cholera globally today: link

map showing % below poverty line globally – and lots of other data: link

spread of cholera globally 1950-2004: link

Global TB prevalence for comparison: link

global cholera info: link

diagram of interactions between cholera and environment: link

Feb 14

The Ghost Map Chap. 1-4

Having studied the cholera outbreak in London in my macaulay seminar last semester, I was interested to see how this book would differ from what I’ve knew. As I read it, what struck me immediately is how much the book brings to life the history- as opposed to just saying “living conditions were bad,” the book paints a picture that allows one to appreciate the conditions of the time. By telling the story as more of a narrative, with history and fact woven in, we can relate to a much greater degree than by simply reading dry historical reports. Reading through the other comments, it’s clear that others also got a vivid picture of the time through their use of rather colorful adjectives.

By Josh Setton