Technology Diary

Posted by on Nov 16, 2013 in Uncategorized | One Comment

Video games are underrated. We all grew up hearing stay away from the T.V. and stop playing video games, those things will rot your brain, the violence will corrupt you… all that jazz, but what people don’t know is that video games can actually be good for you. I grew up playing Super Mario on my playstation and attribute my killer hand-eye coordination skills to all those hours spent in front of the t.v. Video games taught me how to drive, how to play tennis, and were definitely an outlet for stress.

What people don’t know is that certain video games can increase spatial skills, motor hand skills, and memory improvement. They can also be used as a form of therapy, they improve speed and accuracy. If researchers can figure out what it is about video games that can lead to all this improvement and manipulate that aspect so that it can be incorporated into something that doesn’t carry any bad side-effects (I’ll admit, video games aren’t all good.) then this may be tool in improving brain activity, etc. In the long run, improvement of all these skills can impact the work fields and the people that are brought into certain fields. Video games of all sorts are no longer gendered, and if video games can improve spatial reasoning and memory, then maybe in the future girls who have highly developed these skills will be more inclined to go into fields that incorporate those aspects.

1 Comment

  1. Cynthia Perez Beltethon
    November 19, 2013

    I would disagree with your statement that “video games of all sorts are no longer gendered.” Many video games are designed by men, for men and it results in unrealistic portrayals of women. For example, all the women in the Grand Theft Auto series are hypersexualized ( Aside from that, in the same series there are moments of transphobia. GTA is not the only series where this is occurring, so much of the gaming world is still hugely gendered.

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