Corporations Blog Update

For our group we’re focusing on the corporations, the technology within society and how society is structured in The Year of The Flood. So far we’ve made three info graphics to advertise some things in the book. Corporations play a huge role in this book seeing how it’s basically what runs this futuristic society. So far we have focused on 6 branches of the corporations, CorpSeCorps, Helthwyzer, Secret Burgers, Scales and Tails, Rejoov and Anoo Yoo. CorpSeCorps and Helthwyzer is what I would consider the two most important ones in this book. The other four are basically just companies that sell products. Helthwyzer would be considered the same as well but it seems that Helthwyzer has a lot more secrets and importance in this book. Helthwyzer in general brings up a lot of questions because there are constantly suspicions about them and their products and even after finishing the book we don’t really get an answer. The authority of the CorpSeCorps is also something that’s intriguing. They basically rely on public favoritism to keep their authority and to keep their products popular yet they are also the ones that are oppressing the people. It’s a fact that they’re corrupted yet people are unwilling to take a stand and allow for this continual corruption in order to keep the current stability they have.

The technology we see in this book may seem odd but it’s definitely not anything impossible. A lot of the inventions we see are things we are already currently experimenting on in society which also gives us the idea The Year of The Flood takes place in the near future. Although it seems like it takes place in the near future, it’s interesting to see how it seems a lot of people especially the Gardners in this case are scared to use modern day technology or at least think it shouldn’t be used. This kind of makes me wonder what happened because we are currently so dependent on technology and it seems kind of odd for anyone to not use technology and resort back to primitive ways of treatment.

For now we’re focusing on the corporations and their products and how to accurately portray them. I’m not quite sure how we would incorporate the societal part on to our website.


  1. Lisa Brundage
    November 21, 2013

    Atwood herself has said that many of the technologies that she writes about are either under development or feasible to develop. Why don’t you try to find some of Atwood’s own writing about that, and also do some research about what technologies exist? I think it might be surprising to see what is current and what is imagined.

    • Connie Lui
      November 21, 2013

      Thanks for the advice! I was also wondering if we could do a character chart with short descriptions and map out how they connect to each other and the corps or part of society they’re under.

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