“Two Boys”- Nicholas Lung

The internet is the door to vast information.  It has transformed society and has allowed easy access for knowledge.  However, this amazing tool that we possess has also been used as a weapon of destruction.  This idea is portrayed through “Two Boys”, an opera being performed at the Lincoln Center Theater.  Nico Muhly, at only 32 years old, is the composer of this ingenious and dramatic opera.

“Two Boys” is unique for a few reasons, one of them being that it isn’t based on common themes of opera such as Greek mythology.  Instead, Nico Muhly decides to incorporate the internet: a theme that has not yet been explored in opera.  Because the work is centralized on the themes of the internet and cyberspace, “Two Boys” takes place in fairly recent times, specifically in 2001.  It features a very unique theme and explores areas that may be foreign to older generations. As the plot unfolds, it is evident to the audience that the work required a lot of thought and effort in making.  A work of brilliance, “Two Boys” keeps everybody at the edge of his or her seat.  Throughout the entire performance, everyone is paying close attention to ensure that nothing is missed.

This opera focuses on the life of Brian, who is played by actor Paul Appleby.  Brian, a 16 year old teenager, is being accused of murdering a 13 year old boy, Jake.  Ironically, throughout the performance, Brian is portrayed as the victim rather than the victimizer.  After watching the progression of events, it is evident that Brian’s life is being controlled by the internet.  Eventually, Brian becomes its victim and his life becomes a long downward spiral. The plot twist that exists toward the end is overwhelming and shocks the entire audience, both young and old.

“Two Boys” is enriched not only by its amazing plot, but also by the props and music.  The projections of the chat room play an extremely important role in drawing the watcher into the performance.  These projections of the conversations between Brian and online chatters set a serious tone and create an aura of mystery.  By using this effect, the watcher feels as if he or she is actually within the performance.  Another factor that greatly enhances the experience are the actors and their clothes.  Muhly realizes that setting the scene correctly requires the actors to be dressed in the fashion of that time period.  For example, the hairstyle of Brian and football jacket resembles a time period that slightly predates present day.  The last factor that greatly affected the performance was the music.  Not only was the music majestic, but it was also used as a technique to set the mood.  It was also used as a way to inform the audience when the scene was serious, comical, or dramatic.

Nico Muhly’s method of keeping the audience’s attention proves to be extremely effective and enhances the entire experience.  The props used also proved to be effective because the clothes that were worn reflected that of the time period.  The plot was well thought out and the play resembled one of cleverness.  The conclusion of the opera leaves you speechless.  You are not only stunned by the clever ending, but also by Muhly’s ingenious.


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