The High Line

I was extremely excited to come to Chelsea to see art from many different types artists. Little did I know that I would find this within the first few minutes in Chelsea. As soon as I met the High Line, I was in awe. The feeling of being thirty feet above ground in the city fascinated me. There was a sense of isolation on the High Line. New York City in one of the most active cities in the world, yet the High Line remained peaceful and calm.

This was first shown through the greenery. As I walked through the High Line, I examined the flowers and patches of grass. There was a garden coming up from beneath a railroad. The contrast between the metal and the railroad was very intense, and gave me the idea that beauty can grow out of anything.


As I walked on, I saw a statue created by George Condo titled “The Liquor Store Attendant”. This was a statue of a mans face, yet it did not look like a regular human being. This statue’s distorted face was no different than the artist’s usual work that examines human psychology. It urged me to think of the ways in which I perceive a “regular” human.


I also came across a piece entitled “The Broken Bridge”. It was a three dimensional work of art placed on a building. This is the artist, El Anatsui’s, biggest art piece to date. It shows a wave of pattern made of recycled tin and mirrors. Through the tin the piece reflects the High Line, and depending on your angle, also parts of the sky. I thought about the fact that everything used in this piece would usually be wasted, yet this artist was able to make beautiful art out of the seemingly useless materiel.


As I walked on, I took many pictures to look at and study at a later time. Even though I only could spend a small amount of time on the High Line, I had the chance to appreciate many different forms of art. I hope to come back to the High Line to explore more of its intriguing and captivating pieces.

One thought on “The High Line

  1. Esther Jungreis

    I also liked how easy it was to find art all over the place in Chelsea, and the contrast between industrial and natural that Sophia found in the old railroad tracks. I like the perspective that beauty can grow out of anything, especially in New York City where oftentimes things are gray and dreary. I also think that the fact that some flowers and grass in New York is so novel and exciting shows how industrial the city has become. What was usually the norm- greenery- is now something that’s hard to find.


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