Chelsea Galleries

City life is usually fast-paced so we never get to stop and see what is actually around us. In the High Line we are able to do just that. From there you can see the city and you are surrounded by greenery that you wouldn’t be able to just enjoy on a normal day. You can sit down in one of the many benches and see the city move around you. You can see the traffic moving below and the people constantly passing back and forth, but while all that is happening you can just relax and enjoy your surrounding from the high line.     highline003 High-Line-Denari-Flyover-537x357


The gallery that I found the most interesting was the Martin Honert exhibition at the Matthew Marks gallery. Since this was the first gallery we entered, it was the one that struck me the most because of the use of space. I thought that there would be more inside the gallery, but instead there was only one piece in each room. The rooms were also plain white, which even made it seem sterile and gave a cold feeling in the room. The cold room gave the statues that were there a more detached mood. They all appeared happy because of the smiles but at the same time those smiles seemed fake and as though they were there just for appearances. English TeacherGroup of Teachers

One thought on “Chelsea Galleries

  1. XI YE YOU

    I like your description and your photos. From you word, I have the same feeling when I visited the Chelsea Gallery and High Line. indeed, High Line is a good choice to release the people’s pressure in the life. And, I was also so surprised, when i visited the first gallery, because of the use of space. Well done!


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