My Brain Are Broked

Okay, wow, I barely understood any of that. The reading contained a lot of technical terms that really didn’t translate to a non-Music major like myself. There’s a lot that apparently is invested into crafting the music for an opera so I’m wondering if this applies to any particular form of music. How much work and study does it take to attain this level of being able to hear, interpret, understand and manipulate music in such a scientific way? Is it relegated to only the opera or does all music require this amount of in-depth understanding and thought? If yes, how and where can I learn this, cause now I feel like such a musical dunce. Also, as someone who just enjoys banging on his bass guitar pointlessly once in a while, I have to wonder if music becomes more of a chore than creative expression when it appears to be so formulaic. At a professional level, can a musician or composer lose their zeal for the art?

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