Category Archives: Question on the Reading

Shock of the New

On page 21, the author states, “The tradition of the human figure…had at last run out.” When artists began the shift from drawing people and nature to simply drawing objects and man made structures, a few artists decided to go to other cultures for inspiration.  There was so much change happening in the European countries, so why did artists feel uninspired? Did they have to exercise their newfound perspective? How did this desire lead them to explore different countries and cultures?

Shock of the New

It is interesting to see how France used the World’s Fair as an opportunity to one-up the Asian Crystal Palace with the construction of the Eiffel Tower.  However, the tower also represented something important for the economic classes of the time, which was a clear advancement of the center of wealth from noble, landed wealth to industrial wealth.  What meant more to the people of Paris, or even France? That the Eiffel Tower would trump the Crystal Palace or its symbolism of economic advancement from the Ancien Regime?

Shock of the new

The author says that, “what was our culture lost in 1980 that the avant-garde had in 1890? Ebullience, idealism confidence, the belief that that there was plenty of territory to explore, and above all the sense that art, in the most disinterested and noble way, could find the necessary”. What cause the culture in 1980 to lose all of those qualities in art? How does modernism take away all the quality from art?

Shock of the New

Realism where a piece of art is an almost exact carbon copy of its subject, and abstraction, where all dimensions of a painting (color, shape, value, size, etc) smushed together in one plane, are point of views an artist can chose for his/her self to express themselves with. But Picasso argues that he never made an abstract piece of art. If true, is there really no “realism” or “abstract” or other forms of art but perspective (point of view)? Like how Cezanne’s work was described as, “Is this how I see things?” not “This is how I see things.”

Shock of the New

I’m actually quite curious how one piece (the Eiffel Tower) ended up inspiring so many other works.

Yes, I find the architecture and design of the tower to be quite unique, but I’m simply wondering if there was a specific characteristic that may have set off a large amount of inspiration in the Art community. Was it due to the fact of its prominence (height-wise), perhaps?