Question on the Reading: No Next Chelsea

The author seems to go back and forth on his opinion; he states that not every artistic aspect of Chelsea is good, in fact, many are downright awful.  He compares one bad Chelsea day to “a season in hell.”  Then, he writes that every city has bad shows and art.  It is unclear about his opinion on Chelsea in comparison to other cities around the world.  Does he like Chelsea better?  Does he consider London, Berlin, and Los Angeles artistically superior to Chelsea?

No Next Chelsea Question

The author seems to be very back-and-forth with his opinion. He finds himself not “bashing” but most definitely criticizing many different aspects of Chelsea… I want to know if he possibly had a bad experience, in general, that ruined Chelsea for him? Also, even with his back-and-forth opinion, did he truly believe Chelsea to still be artistically superior?

Chelsea Galleries question

The article stated something on the lines of Chelsea Galleries being endangered because the leases will expire soon.  It is debated whether this is a good thing or not since having such a large amount of exhibits, 300, is heavy on the area.  I understand why they want to decrease the amount of art exhibits since, like the article said, it is common to see more bad art there in one day which “feels like a season in hell.” What constitutes bad art? Isn’t art appreciation relative to the viewer, so what allows people to say something is bad art?

Accessing the NY Times

In order to access articles from the New York Times, first go to the Queens College Library Homepage:

Next, go to “Find Databases” in the lefthand sidebar.  Click on “N” and scroll down to “New York Times”.  Click on this and then type in the title of a specific article you’d like to read, making sure to choose “Document Title” from the drop-down menu.  Click search and it should bring up the article you want.

If you want to search the whole Arts Section, you can type in the letter of the section (C, D, etc.), which you’ll be able to find on the NY Times website.  Choose “Section” from the drop down menu.  Go down to the section that says “Publication Date” and choose “On this Date” from the drop down menu.  Enter today’s date, click “Search” and it will give you all the articles from today’s Art Section.

Accessing the QC Library databases from home: Instructions on accessing the QC Library databases from home can be found here:

Understanding Art- Chapter 2

The author says that variations in style are “always indicative of the characteristic approach of the artist to the subject” (100). I’m just curious if every piece of art has/needs style and is it always easily identifiable? Does an artist need to have the style in mind before they create their piece? I think this plays well into Ashley and Yoo Na’s questions, about whether these concepts need to be included in a work in order to be considered “true art”.