
Sparafucile says that the reason he doesn’t want to listen to Maddalena and kill Rigoletto is because “What client of mine has ever been cheated?” He wants to be true to his word. But how is killing the next person that comes in not cheating Rigoletto if he’s not following what he was paid to do?


In Rigoletto we see Maddalena and Gilda are both so determined to save the Duke, even though it will counteract all that their male counterparts (Sparafucile and Rigoletto respectively) hoped to achieve by killing him. Is Verdi trying to say that women are easily seduced and swayed by love?


  • My question is geared towards translation. I was wondering if there are any emotions or messages kind of lost in translation. I asked a question similar to this one when we began the poetry unit, and I’m really curious.
  • Whats the significance of Rigoletto being a single father and Gilda not having a mother? Might this have an effect on the storyline in any way?

Rigoletto Question

-Why does Gilda not know of her family and her father’s name? Where was she previously that she has only been with her father for three months?

-In the end of the play, why was Gilda dressed in man’s attire anyway? Do you think her character was developed enough by Verdi? Is Gilda a representative of all females during this time period?

-What was the significance of having Gilda’s last conversation be with her father and them being able to communicate before she passed?


The naiveté and one-dimensionality of Verdi’s female characters (particularly Gilda) is rather obvious and likely a result of the extreme patriarchy of the time, but do you feel as if some of the same stereotypes persist in today’s media? Additionally, do you think that Rigoletto could have been improved if Gilda were a more developed, serious character?

Music and Readin’ and Such

Distinguishing majors and minors? Modulations and keys?! Sweet Jesus, how much learning is taken to master this stuff? Music is so complex. Is all this required? How does one get to the level of being able to understand and comprehend all of this terms, let alone craft it? Is the music world so intense? I might just rehashing what I said before, but I’m just getting more and more questions as I read this article!