Why Recycling is Worth It

Recycling our trash is considered to be the norm these days. However, some people still seem unconvinced if it is worth it. Recycling by definition is converting waste materials into something useful, to reduce the waste created on the planet. However, people still wonder if it is worth doing as recycled products may be of lower quality than regular products.

The basic steps of recycling are the collection and processing of recyclable materials, the manufacturing of new products, and the purchasing of products made from recycled materials. The obvious benefits of this are that it reduces the amount of waste in landfills, while conserving natural resources like timber. Recycling also prevents pollution by lowering the need to collect new materials, and helps reduce greenhouse gasses. A final benefit is that it also creates new jobs.

People against recycling often argue that it is too expensive both on the government and the taxpayer and that the collection of recyclable materials helps contribute to the total pollution. However, a cost-benefit analysis of efficient recycling will show that over time it actually helps save money. Take how New York handles its waste today, because it has no more room it has to pay Pennsylvania to accept it, and pay to transport it there. Recycling reduces the cost of what we have to pay to get our waste transported. Also recycling is proven to help save energy which in turn does not raise the price of energy, which saves you money. Finally, our waste has been proven to hurt the environment, lowering our natural resources. Pretty soon basic resources such as coal, timber, and drinking water will raise in price due to the fact that they may become limited. Recycling not only helps postpone that, but prevent it.



“Recycling Basics.” EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2016.

“Recycling: Beyond the Bin.” NRDC. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2016.

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