Green Technology

After two months of learning about green technology, my knowledge about the topic has grown immensely. Today I want to talk about thermal depolymerization and hydrogen fuel cells which are two new emerging processes that can potentially change the field of energy. In 2015, 36% of energy was from petroleum oil, accounting for the highest percentage of energy usage and as a result, the resource has become more and more scarce. Using thermal depolymerization, any carbon based waste can be made into petroleum oil using high heat and pressure. This method is genius because it speeds up the natural process of creating petroleum that takes millions of years, creating hundreds of pounds of petroleum. This process can help solve the petroleum energy crisis, providing the necessary energy source for a world that is so dependent on oil. Hydrogen fuel cells are the second technology that can make a huge difference for the world. When oxygen and hydrogen are combined to make water, energy is produced because it is a exothermic reaction. As a result, this energy can be captured and used for electricity. However, both processes have flaws which cannot be ignored. Thermal depolymerization still presents the same current issue for the environment because of the burning of fossil fuels. Burning fossil fuels creates gases that trap solar energy from the sun, contributing to the ongoing problem of global warming. Meanwhile, hydrogen fuel cells lack practicality because it requires energy to extract hydrogen to use for the reaction.

Hydrogen Fuel Cells: the main reaction involved.

Thermal Depolymerization: the difference in the time involved in the formation of petroleum (natural vs. thermal depolymerization).

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