All posts by fredgong

Energy Watchdog

Energy Watchdog is a product that helps alleviate the strain that the New York City power grid faces. It was created by Calm Energy, and is designed to not only act as a backup generator but also as a way to reduce energy consumption on a daily basis. Energy Watchdog is a smart technology in the sense that it will adapt to the tendencies of a specific building, remembering the energy demands of critical functions. Therefore, when power supplies are down, Energy Watchdog automatically shuts down less important functions and prioritizes the energy on necessary ones. The technology also reduces overall energy costs by decreasing overall energy consumption and by decreasing energy consumption during peak demand times. This device will prove especially useful in times where power lines are down, such as Hurricane Sandy. Hurricane Sandy crippled many businesses in the New York City area because of power outages and power usage inefficiencies. Had Energy Watchdog been implemented, many of the power-related issues from catastrophes like hurricanes can be alleviated.

Green Technology

After two months of learning about green technology, my knowledge about the topic has grown immensely. Today I want to talk about thermal depolymerization and hydrogen fuel cells which are two new emerging processes that can potentially change the field of energy. In 2015, 36% of energy was from petroleum oil, accounting for the highest percentage of energy usage and as a result, the resource has become more and more scarce. Using thermal depolymerization, any carbon based waste can be made into petroleum oil using high heat and pressure. This method is genius because it speeds up the natural process of creating petroleum that takes millions of years, creating hundreds of pounds of petroleum. This process can help solve the petroleum energy crisis, providing the necessary energy source for a world that is so dependent on oil. Hydrogen fuel cells are the second technology that can make a huge difference for the world. When oxygen and hydrogen are combined to make water, energy is produced because it is a exothermic reaction. As a result, this energy can be captured and used for electricity. However, both processes have flaws which cannot be ignored. Thermal depolymerization still presents the same current issue for the environment because of the burning of fossil fuels. Burning fossil fuels creates gases that trap solar energy from the sun, contributing to the ongoing problem of global warming. Meanwhile, hydrogen fuel cells lack practicality because it requires energy to extract hydrogen to use for the reaction.

Hydrogen Fuel Cells: the main reaction involved.

Thermal Depolymerization: the difference in the time involved in the formation of petroleum (natural vs. thermal depolymerization).

Green Roofs

Coming from upstate New York, I am used to seeing green everywhere: from trees, to shrubs, to grass. However, coming to New York City for the past year, I have been disappointed with the lack of vegetation. To solve this problem and suggest an eco-friendly solution, I want mention green roofs which are plants grown on top of a rooftop. Green roofs combat the issue of population density in urban settings. In modern times, people are prioritized over plants which creates a lack of plant life in many cities, however, green roofs take advantage of this unused space above the residents’ roofs. In addition, these gardens reduce carbon emissions because they provide insulation in the winter and protect from solar heat in the summer, decreasing the amount of oil needed for heaters and air conditioners. Furthermore, these gardens help with the flooding problems in cities caused by a lack of drainage. The plants on the roof retain rainwater, make run off cleaner, and decrease total run off, taking a major stress off a weakness in infrastructure. The plethora of benefits combined with the nice touch of green the gardens offer should influence inhabitants and lawmakers of urban settings to further construct these structures.