This past semester has been tough, and there’s no doubt that I’ve got plenty more to trudge through – I mean, look forward to. Thankfully, winter break has come along and finals are ages past, but to be honest, it hasn’t been much of a winter for me here in NYC. Sure, it was cold for a couple of days but there was no decent snow so:
a dreary winter it has been / no sweet white snow, just bitter gray sleet. / it’s hard to accept this winter’s defeat / to the coughing exhausts and slow creeping heat. / I hope that next year will bring greater promise / of cool layers of snow amongst the asphalt and concrete.
Just a fun poem – can barely remember the last time I had written one. Anyways, this January, I have been fully booked with internship, classes, events, and other personal pursuits. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday find me as intern in a Brooklyn studio, while Thursdays steal me to the Armory, and later, Cenedella’s class for still life painting. Saturdays are left for rest or possible track meets, and Sunday draws me to the comic world, full of sketching and story-boarding.
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