Dead Art B is an online arts magazine which publishes articles pertaining to New York City exhibitions, films, performances, and more. By creating this online arts magazine, we strive to make art culture more accessible to New Yorkers and students alike. Most importantly, this website was created so that we, Macaulay students of Brooklyn College, can pass the Arts of New York City seminar course, and move on to the more important things in life.

It takes a team to build a website: designers, developers, editors, and writers. We’d like to thank all those who contributed to the creation of this website.

Designers: Carmen Saffioti, Madelyn Meagher, and Isaac Hamaoui.

Editors: Rebecca Kreiser, Danielle Itshaik, and Remi Laurence.

Featured Writers: Jenna Bawer, Julieta Mrozik, Robin Tainsh, Joel Feinberg, Charles Lauer, Mahzabin Afsari, Gina Rivieccio, Ben Davelman, Lauren Shayo, Shenal Tissera, Nechama Stern, Ivan Ruan, Gilda Mccrann, and Anna Leidecker.