Oct 12 2009

The Use of Media in Glorious Appearing

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In “Glorious Appearing” there is an interesting use of technology to spread the word of both Christ and the Antichrist.

Nicolae Carpathia, the embodiment of the Antichrist, creates the Global Community News Network to control the information the masses receive about the war between good and evil. He withholds information about the backlash of the world leaders and the fall of Babylon. He also takes advantage of his control the media to create media moments that schew the truth. For example, when he has all of his delegates follow him on horseback into battle for the cameras but he actually takes an aircraft. This plays into Satan’s notorious role as a deceiver but in a much more modern way.

The good side also uses media to get the message out about the fight for heaven and earth. Cheng hacks into the GCNN to allow Chaim to speak to nonbelievers in hopes of converting them before the coming of Christ. He also uses it to keep tabs on the battle around the world.

Jesus Christ is the only person who communicates with everyone on a personal level without the use of technology. In his infinite power, he is able to send messages to everyone on earth, first there is the cross in the sky and then later when he revisits earth. He becomes clearly visible to everyone no matter their locatio. He speaks to everyone, using his or her name, simultaneously. It is here LaHaye and Jenkins set Christ apart from Satan.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “The Use of Media in Glorious Appearing”

  1.   lquinbyon 16 Oct 2009 at 12:06 pm

    It will also be interesting to compare the representations of technology in Glorious Appearing to the depictions of technology in The Matrix. Apocalyptic discourses tend to see technology as either redemptive or annihilative–or, as you point out here, as both, in terms or good versus evil uses of it.

  2.   angelayhoon 14 Oct 2009 at 8:48 pm

    You made a really good point that can be applied to any leader with influence in the media, which is all of them. While in this country, the leader cannot completely censor news, as there are far too many stations with competing interests, he can use news stations that are sympathetic to him to explain away occurrences.